ISK’s journey as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Center began in Fiscal Year 2019 with the launch of our first CCBHC Expansion Grant project, supported by SAMHSA. As of 2022, ISK was one of 13 demonstration sites in Michigan. With 5,762 active CCBHC enrollees, and over 100,000 distinct days of CCBHC services rendered, ISK is the second-largest Michigan site by service volume and the third-largest by enrolled population.
Read the full update here.
Expanding Access to Mental Health Care
Our CCBHC served 7,200 people in 2022, including 2,050 new clients who had no services from ISK during the previous five years.
Our Same-Day Access structure allowed 1,966 individuals to receive an assessment and referrals the same day they walked in, no appointment required.
Enhancing Our Crisis Response System
ISK has focused strongly on timely, robust crisis response, delivering 8,600 crisis services last year, with crisis contacts representing around 7% of all CCBHC services.
CCBHC funding is also supporting ISK in constructing and launching Kalamazoo County’s first and only Behavioral Health Urgent Care and Access Center.