A logo that is be and green. It says Integrated Services of Kalamazoo Be Stigma Free.

“Every single one of us has a story. My disability doesn’t define me—it’s the choices I make and the attitude I carry that defines me.”

                  — Mallory Weggemann

Everyone has a Success Story

At Integrated Services of Kalamazoo, we believe in building a welcoming community across Kalamazoo County that supports wellness of both mind and body. Everyone has the right to live life free from stigma, where people facing challenges like mental illness, substance use disorders, and developmental disabilities are heard, understood, respected, included, and celebrated.

Every day in our  work, we aim to lift up the people we serve and to make stigma a thing of the past. We invite you to enjoy these inspiring stories, where individuals tell us in their own words about their successes, challenges, and joys.

If you’re touched (we know you will be), please share this page with others. These are voices that need to be heard! Whether written or in video form, these stories showcase the incredible journeys and achievements of those we’ve had the privilege to support. 

Dive in and be inspired!

Success Stories: Video Interviews

Voices of Courage & Determination

Craig’s Story

Craig values living independently, a goal he achieved with support from ISK. He now has his own apartment and loves the freedom it brings, like going to the movies and his favorite camp. Craig also gives back to the community by speaking at MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) about his personal experience with drunk driving, and he serves on ISK’s Inclusion Advisory Council, advocating for better support for people with disabilities. His advice to others is to trust ISK, as they can help you achieve independence.

Valerie’s Story

Valerie, a cheerful and determined individual, is proud to be living independently in her own apartment, a significant milestone she achieved with ISK’s support. Initially, she was nervous about managing on her own, but with guidance in a training apartment, she gained the confidence she needed. Valerie now enjoys working part-time at ISK, where she loves the supportive environment. Despite facing stigma, she remains strong and advocates for the importance of ISK’s programs in helping others like her achieve independence.

Success Stories: Articles

Real Stories of Resilience and Results

A photo of JJ, an individual that has shared his success story with ISK.

Resilience, self-advocacy, and a love of work keep this achiever on track

J.J. is a determined young man who advocates for himself and takes initiative. In fact, it was his idea to share his story with us. “I asked Shannon [his ISK Supports Coordinator] if I could talk about my job and everything,” he explains. “I was the one that thought of it.” We’re glad he did! READ MORE

Photo of Sarah, an individual that shared her success story with ISK.

“I Have Big Dreams”

Advocacy work drives this energetic activist

Sarah exudes positivity and a sense of humor. Her smile and laugh light up any room she enters, reflecting her can-do attitude. That’s what propels her to pursue a dream of making life better for people through self-advocacy. Sarah is proud of serving on the boards of Self Advocates Becoming Empowered and Self-Advocates of Michigan, organizations made up of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who advocate for independence, inclusion, freedom, opportunity, respect, and dignity. Their goal is to empower people with developmental disabilities to take ownership of their lives and make their own choices on how to live fully. READ MORE

Photo of an individual named Nathan that ISK services. He is a success story on how services work.

“I’m Happy!”

Sunny outlook spells success for Schoolcraft native

Nathan is happy he was chosen as an ISK success story. In fact, “happy” is a keyword in his life. Friendly and enthusiastic, Nathan enjoys keeping busy with his jobs, his hobbies, and his community. He’s quick to smile and laugh, and unfailingly polite. READ MORE

A photo of Colin an individual that has shared his success story with ISK.

Talented tech student quietly excels at overcoming challenges

Colin has smiling eyes and a polite manner, and he doesn’t talk a lot. But underneath that shy exterior is a determined young man with a remarkable talent for computers — and a life goal that’s very much within his reach: to graduate from Kalamazoo Valley Community College with a degree in information technology support. “I’m going to be working on computers and fixing computers,” he reports. His confidence is well-founded: Currently, he gets all As in his classes, earning upper 90s and 100s on his work. He’s also on the Dean’s List! READ MORE

Pricilla is an individual that has shared her success story with ISK.

Couldn’t Be Happier

I always wanted to help other people. I got my CNA license and started my career. I was very happy and things were going well until I was involved in an incident that got me a felony and ended that for me. When I started with AES, I had been looking for work but couldn’t find a job I liked or that paid me the kind of money I really needed. I never thought I would work as a care provider again, but AES found me a job as a chore provider. I loved it. Although the pay wasn’t that great, I was doing what I liked. READ MORE

Rakiyta is an individual that shared her success story with ISK

Rakiyta’s Sweets and Treats

Starting a business can be a daunting task, but it was a goal of Rakiyta’s and one that she accomplished. “Rakiyta’s Sweets and Treats,” a vending machine business, was recently launched in the Kalamazoo area after a good deal of research and hard work. Working with her supports coordinator, an employment training specialist, and Michigan Rehabilitation Services, Rakiyta composed a business plan and applied for a business license. READ MORE

“We need to get to a point
where we are accepting
of all people.”

                                       — Amy

Listen to six inspiring individuals share their experiences with stigma. Each story highlights the impact on individuals and families, united by the hope of raising awareness. While ISK’s #LookBeyond #BeStigmaFree campaign has ended, its influence continues, changing perspectives and fostering understanding across Kalamazoo County. The ripple effect is making our community more inclusive and supportive!

#LookBeyond #BeStigmaFree: See Me

Stigma-Free Resources

Find helpful links and tools to support a stigma-free community

Tackling self-stigma to strengthen your recovery journey (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs)

I AM… (Video about stigma related to disabilities, New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities)