ISK & Partners Decrease Youth Involvement with Criminal Justice System

ISK & Partners Use Grant to Successfully Divert Youth from Criminal Justice Involvement Participating Organizations: Integrated Services of Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety, KYDnet, Wraparound Services, Gryphon Place, Department of Health and Human Services, Child Protective Services, Kalamazoo Juvenile Court, ASK Family Services, Communities in Schools, Family & Children’s Services, Kalamazoo Public Schools With…

Help ISK Meet Your Needs: Survey Ends June 30

Please Take Our Community Needs Assessment! Anyone who has experience with the behavioral health system – including providers, school systems, and other community partners – is invited to take our Community Needs Assessment by Sunday, June 30. This brief, confidential survey asks about your perspective on  behavioral health needs in Kalamazoo County. Your input shapes…